ZYX Fuji vs. Lyra Helicon

Does anyone have experience with these carts? Looking for something to mate with VPI Aries/JMW 10.5 combo into ARC Ref.

Is there another that might be a better bet? (I guess the Shelter 901 is a bad choice with my arm). Would the Helicon SL do okay with my phono stage?

I know I'm asking a lot of cartridge questions so bear with me. Your thoughts and insight is greatly appriciated.

From the info listed on the ARC website, the Ref phono stage has 69db gain, so as long as you have about 15-20db gain in your preamp linestage, you should be just fine with either of those cartridges as far as gain is concerned.

You should be aware, as I just became, that the .5 improvements on the JMW arms have some outriggers that make the arm more suitable for lower compliance cartridges, and may do the trick for something like the Shelter. I cannot guarantee it, but it is a step in the right direction for them to have put these outriggers on the JMW.

That being said, I still think it is better to use the arm under less than maximum stress, regarding compliance, and the 2 cartridges you suggested are better in that regard.

They are both very good cartridges, and much would depend on personal preference. I would personally lean toward the ZYX Fuji, but it is not a large margin of difference. It is more of a "splitting hairs" decision, and could go either way, depending upon your tastes. Both would be right at home in any top quality analog rig. Some people consider the Lyra a little "lean" or "dry" on a relative scale. The ZYX is at its best on smaller to medium scale music(slightly better than the Shelter 901), but it still does quite well on large scale music, but not quite as well as the Shelter 901. Some people would say that overall, the Lyra is a fraction below the ZYX or Shelter 901. Again, I would say that this is very subjective, and they are close enough to have to listen and decide.

I don't think that you will be doing any suffering, no matter which cartridge you select from those two.
I was hoping you would chime in on this post. I see your responses to analog questions all the time here on Agone. Thanks for your thoughts, you seem to be one of the most knowledgable, and helpful gurus here.

If I can take your response a little further though.... I too have heard that the Helicon may be a little lean. Paired with my ARC LS25II, Ref phono, and ML speakers would this cart/combo be getting a little too lean?

I guess that is why I was inquiring about the Shelter originally, but as you and others have said I may be pushing it with my tonearm. Koetsu's seem to be a less than ideal match too.
Hi Cris,
I have two suggestions you could keep your present arm and get the Lyra Helicon. This medium compliance (12) cartridge should work fine with your arm.

You could get a Origin Live Silver tonearm with a Shelter 501 or 901 for about the same $$$$$$ as a Lyra Helicon.

After you do Tom's HI FI mod you will know what we are experiencing, read this thread.
Cmo, this "lean" thing is pretty subjective. I don't really know if you will consider it lean in your system or not. I do know that the Lyra Helikon is a very highly regarded cartridge, and I think it would not have that reputation if it had any real serious problems. It may be a bit on the lean side in some settings, but I doubt it is too far from correct.

If you are at all concerned about that, then go for the ZYX Fuji. I think that the ZYX is probably a couple of hairs better than the Helikon anyway, and it doesn't have a problem with a lean or dry sound. It is one of the most detailed and delicate cartridges that I know of. It is fully equal to the Shelter 901 in just about every way. The ZYX even betters the 901 in delicacy, and the Shelter is a little better in symphonic large-scale music and has about the best bass response of any cartridge I know. Overall, the Fuji and the 901 are about a head-to-head tie, with each one outdoing the other very slightly in certain areas. I think the Helikon is more around the level of the Shelter 501, which is certainly not bad, since the 501 is the cartridge that I use myself. These are all great sounding cartridges, and as I said before, you are not going to be disappointed with any of them. It is just splitting hairs to decide between them. Any way you go, your analog system will sound excellent with any of these cartridges. If you tie me down to a pick, I'd pick the ZYX Fuji.