Any experience with DAC/Upsampler?

Can anyone give any positive or negative info regarding some of the new DAC/upsamplers on the market. Is anyone producing a DAC/Upsampler with a remote volume control and balanced in/outs...
I heard dcs upsampler feeding their converter and it sounded so much more like live music ('twas classical choral) than anything heard to date. It made me glad I own so many CD's and will be able to hear them in tripple the current quality as soon as hardware price comes down. The CD was upsampled to 24/192. Haven't really heard SACD yet.
The dcs purcell will upsample to 24/192 if connected to the dcs delius or elgar, both these dacs have remote variable volume as well as balanced outputs, in order to upsample to 24/96, they use two AES/EBU digital connectors, one for each channel, upsampling to 24/96 only requires one digital connection. Both of these dacs also allow you to choose between four different dither options giving the listener slightly different sounding presentations. It is all technobabble until you hear it, but once you do, it will change your views on digital, as well as the sound of all the cd's you already own. Go out and listen to one and decide for yourself, take along an audiophile cd and one of lesser recorded quality. Have fun.
sorry, finger moving faster than the brain. CORRECTION: in order to upsample to 24/192 they use two AES/EBU digital connectors
I had become increasingly unhappy with the muddled sound from my Mark Levinson Model 36 DAC and started shopping around several months ago. I was able to compare the dCS purcell/delius combo with the M-L 30.6 Reference DAC. I thought that the former had marginally better resolution. When I sought out Bill Parish's advice at GTT Audio , he suggested that I try a Dodson MA-217 MkIID on approval. I decided to buy it immediately, it blew my M-L 36 out of the water. Unfortunately, Dodson does not have a volume control. I do not have any experience with the MSB Link, ot the Assemblage upsamplilng/DAC combo, etc. I understand from these ssites that the single box Resolution Audio 50 or 55 is really good, moreover, it has a volume control.