cartridge recomendations

Hi 'Gonners
I am looking to purchase a turntable shortly. My current choices are down to a Nottingham Horizon or a Michell Gyro SE. My question, I need a cartridge that will work with these tables in the $300. price range-give or take a little-.I prefer a new cart rather than a used one, got any suggestions?
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You can get close With a Grado Sonata. Easy to deal with,!!!!!!! good output, tremendous midrange-where most of the music is. Lists at $500.00 but you can get for $400.00 new if you shop.
Lewt me second Veridian's recommendation of a Denon DL 103D, which you can get for $229 from Denon USA, phone # (310) 974-1010. It's a classic that's still competitive.
I forgot to mention I have the Howell black box phono preamp (with the pwx power supply) in my original thread. Does the Denon still qualify?