7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?

I've been out of high-end audio for about 8 years, and the thing I am most struck by on my return is the apparent acceptance of power cables, interconnects and speaker cables that cost as much or more than heavy-duty high-end components.

As a now-outsider of sorts, this really looks like the Emperor's New Clothes big-time. Especially power cords, considering the Romex that delivers the A/C to the outlet isn't exactly audiophile quality.

Are people really paying $500 and up for wire? Is this foolishness of the highest order, or is this what people now believe it takes to extract the last percent or two of definition from their components?

What happened? Even buyers of what are now considered "modestly priced" cables would be laughed out of the professional audio world, so why do audiophiles think they need something better than was used to make the original recording? MOST professional recording engineers scoff at the difference between microphone cables that cost $19.95 vs. those that cost $49.95 -- most anything higher is rarely considered at all (the most expensive microphone cable might be $125 for a 20 foot run, and it's laughed at by most of the pros).

I'm not criticizing -- I'm too stunned to draw any conclusions -- I just wondered if anyone has given this much thought.

(At least I understand the home theater revolution -- thank heavens something came along to save the high end manufacturers, although it makes me chuckle to think of someone spending $30,000 to watch the Terminator. It's OK with me.)

Thank you for your consideration,

Mark Hubbard
Eureka, CA
Ag insider logo xs@2xmark_hubbard
Well, Mark, as you can see from the many responses you got, there are a sizeable number of audiophiles who believe in the value of high-end cables. They believe because they have listened to different cables, and those cables have sounded different to them. And if you listened to the various brands of cables out there, they might sound different to you, too. That doesn't mean they are different. It just means that you're as susceptible as other humans to the brain's proven tendency to hear things that are not there.

So welcome back to the hobby. Keep on the lookout for snake oil. There's a lot of it about these days.
Examine any hobby and you will see extremes. Some of the Pros are starting to come around. While they're not about to install the mega-buck wire, some are considering the mid-stream stuff, from a very recent TAS or Stereophile issue. My rule is, if you can't hear a positive difference, not just a difference, don't buy it. All wires act as a band-pass filter to some degree, change the impedance of the link to some degree, and many contain RFI/EMI sensitive designs to reduce noise. I have an EE background and I too scoffed, but I was sensible enough to test the claim, borrow some I/Cs from my local shop and compare. I have also had others who really don't care, listen, don't know what I am doing back there, listen and hear a difference. System resolution and noise are notable factors. Again, if you can't hear it, don't buy it.

The bass boat analogy is a bit off. Mark did not question the logic of high dollar gear (speakers, amps, etc.), just the merit of high priced cables. Thus, expensive boats and trucks to haul them with may be extravagances, but necessary extravangances if one wants to catch bass.

Now if we're talking about some moron paying $3,000 for $8.95 worth of fishing line, then I think that the analogy works
$7,500 for used cables is ridulous! You can get a half-way decent pair of 18" new ones for that!

I remain,
Since we are on the subject, let me add to the "snake oil" side of the debate.

Just picked up a new power cord that was absolutely raved about in a couple of reviews. I bought it used, so the price was not as bad as buying new. I did this even though i have seen the insides of more than a few "commercial" built cords and about threw up after hearing the price. Well, this cord was no different. Even paying list price for everything, this cord has about $40 - $60 ( at the VERY most ) in raw parts. The only reason that it costs that much would be that fancy "snakeskin" sheathing and the hospital grade plug. Even though selling price of this cord is nearly half a grand, it uses standard "industrial grade" mass produced wiring in it.

This specific power cord is not any different than most of the other "tweaky" power cords that i've seen either. The reviewers might have found this out if they took it apart. Only problem is that the manufacturer GLUED, used shrink wrap and "potted" the insides of the connectors to hide their "top secret" design. Did they do this because they didn't want someone else to steal the design from them ? Or did they do it because they didn't want you to know that they were stealing from you ???

To answer your question, NO, i haven't tried it yet. Yes, it might sound different than another cord, but NO, it is not worth that kind of money. After all, ANYBODY can put "high grade" connectors on industrial grade $2 - $3 per foot power cabling and call it something fancy. The scariest thing is that this cord is considered to be a GREAT "bargain" amongst those that have reviewed and used it.

I will say that wires DO make a difference. With that in mind, there is next to nothing that a "wire company" can put together that you can't do yourself. That goes for selection of parts, ferrite's, impedance compensation networks, fancy geometries, "burning in", cryogenics, radiation treatments from plasma powered UFO's, etc... As such, i say long live "DIY" and those that are willing to learn and get their hands dirty. Death to "shysters" and those that aid them. They are the prime reason that high end is in the state that it currently is.

Why bother trying to achieve "high end results" when you can't even afford ONE cable ? Instead, the mass majority will purchase a complete system with half a dozen speakers for the cost of ONE cable. Now tell me which "components" ( one cable or an entire surround system with a dvd player, tuner, preamp, power amp, speakers, etc... ) took more research, development, parts, labor, tooling, machining, and marketing to produce ? Then ask yourself why you support "shysters" with shady business ethics ?

If you've got money to burn or throw away, that is your prerogative. Other than that, all i can say is "a fool and his money are soon parted". I've been that fool and i hope that i've learned a lesson ( again ). Most "reviewers" are nothing more than "false prophets" with most audiophiles worshiping a golden calf when it comes to wires. Sean

PS... This is MY personal opinion and is not aimed at anyone in specific. I may not agree with you ( a LOT of you ), you may not agree with me. I'm sorry if you feel that i kicked you in the "nuts". You're more than welcome to kick me in the head and knock some sense into me with an intelligent rebuttal. With that in mind, I hope that we can still share different points of view and respect each other in the morning : )