Digital Amps. How good are they?

Just wondering if anyone has auditioned any of these amps. I know Dunlavy uses Spectron Amps to audion some of their speakers at shows. Other amps are from Bel Canto, Tact,Jeff rowlands. some of the reviews are highly positive
hi (sy)phill(is) - ewe say: "BTW, I've heard the Spectron and it is junk, suitable only for those with a tin ear or those who prefer artificiality. There are suckers like you born every minute." yust cuz *ewe* don't like something, doesn't *necessarily* categorize it as "junk". believe it or not, some people ackshully prefer different things (& not yust in audio). again, yust cuz *ewe* don't like something, doesn't *necessarily* categorize someone who does, as having tin ears. as far as artificiality, *anyone* who likes the sound of *any* electronic audio equipment likes artificiality - there's no getting around it - it comes w/the territory - *none* of it is *real*. if yer *really* against artificiality, yust sell *all* yer artificial-sounding electronic equipment & stick w/live music. even those wonderful-sounding avantgarde acoustics horns of your are artificial-sounding. re: yer statement that there's a sucker born every minute, everyone reading this thread knows, w/o a doubt, which one of us on *this* list it is! regards, doug
sy-phill-is - if it's on this forum, then it's my business - this is a public forum, in case ewe dint notice. re: my being able to afford (or not) *anything*, when's the last time ewe czeched my bank account? i *do* know this about the avantgarde acoustics, tho: they may sound nice, but they are artificial - as someone on this forum said previously: "There are suckers like you born every minute." too bad ewe never have anything constructive to say, all the time ewe waste here.
Sedond, "bank account?" Bank accounts are for 10 year olds! BWAHAHAHAHA! Obviously you have no money. Loser.
(sy)phill(ys), i dont have the avantgarde trios in my house cuz they're *ugly* - how 'bout ewe? only can afford the duo's, eh? BWAHAHAHAHA! obviously, ewe have no life. pity. regards, doug