Records are better. I actually heard it

Just went to a friend's house whose dad has a (somewhat low end) audiophile system. He had on a couple CD's in the background, but once we started talking audio stuff, he plopped on a record.

And I actually heard with my own ears how much better records sound than CD's! Granted, maybe his CD player was crappy, but really so was his record player. He bought the table at the swap meet for like $50 (supposedly great for bargain tables and records as well), and added a $200 MC cartridge.

But the music, oh the music. I had always just assumed it was going to take a ridiculously expensive system for me to be able to hear the difference. But no. The music was alive. Like it was right there, that's the only way to describe it. And it flowed. The highs seemed effortless and non-fatiguing. The record even had some scratches or whatever in it so that it crackled and popped a bit, but even with this I still preferred it.

I need to find a way to make room, but I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off on getting a turntable for very long. Is there anyone who thinks it would be a big mistake to follow in my friend's dad's footsteps and buy an old table at the swap meet for $50 and add a nice $200 MC cartridge to it? He's picking up records at the swap meet for $1-$2 apiece. That's an entry cost of like $300 for sound that appears to kill CD sound.
Yes, I understand. The LP selection is not as wide as CD, for the new releases. Regrettable, but true.
OK, Onhwy61..... I'll say it.

"That was just too DAMNED funny!"

Laughed out loud long and hard.

Are we really regressing?
I'd say that I listen to music and not listen to my system. I'll buy a 1955 recording released on CD. If I later find the LP great. But I won't deny myself the enjoyment of listening to that performance, when it could take me years to locate an LP in good condition.
My CD player is fairly nice (ARC CD_2)and my phono section is pretty low end (CJ walker table, linn arm and cart, B&O phono stage). both run through VTL. For convenience, ease of finding new material, and not having to tippy toe around the room i have no problems with the CDs. But everytime i venture into the LP collection i enjoy the increased sence of space and life the music takes on compared with CD. Can't imagine what a real analog front end would sound like and probably never will spend the bucks to find out but analog is the superior medium imho.