Phono Stage for passive preamp control

Considering transformer-based passive preamplification. Can anyone suggest a quality tube phono stage with sufficient gain for lower input MC pickups in such a configuration ($2K new or used range)? Don't need volume control on the phono stage, but could go with one that wil bypass the volume control. Am I restricted to a SS phono stage in order to have sufficient gain WITHOUT a step-up device?
Hi 4yanx, the base model of the IO with a single power supply sold originally for about $5,000 new and can be had for about half of that. The more expensive IO units you have seen have 2 power supplies, and/or are Signature or MKII models, and/or have the volume controls. Going from the base unit to the fully loaded almost triples the price.
I have also seen used IO phono stages at around $2500. But I didn't mention them, because they have no volume control, and when you add the Bent Unit, you are around $3500. If you can stretch up to that level, then you couldn't do any better than an IO with a Bent Audio TX102 volume control.
I have used the following phono stages successfully with a Bent 102S driving a 100K ohm power amp input:
EAR 834P (modified)
The Groove
Walker Reference

They can all be had (except Walker) below $2K if you are patient. IO is nice too (I used with a resistive passive)
but gets hot and takes a lot of real-estate. Input tubes tend to need changing a lot too. YMMV.
John, thanks for the input, which may benefit others considering the Bent, or for me in the furuter, for that matter. For now, I am currently awaiting delivery of a custom-designed tube/hybrid phono stage being built for me after consulting with Kevin Carter of K&K Audio. Kevin was involved with the design of the Art Audio Vinyl Reference, and the phono stage I am acquiring has very similar featires. Will be posting my impressions in a few weeks regarding it and the Bent 102 after things are up, running, and settled in (if I can ever decide on IC's). :-0
Hi 4yanx
I hope I am not intruding, but I am much curious to know about your experience with the Illustrious arm ?
I am using the Denon 103 and plan to never move beyong its familly line.
So I am interested about givin it a perfec matching arm.
The OL line seems to increase its mass as arm increase in price. I wonder if the illustrious is overkill for the "lowly" Denon familly.
Classical music, small and large, solo voices and choirs, those are the basic on witch my audio search is based.
It seems, the space Deck, the OL, and the Kevin Carter are all great prospect in my search, althought a bitt of a hight price for my purse, but..what do you thinck ?
Hope to hear from you sometime, cheers Pierre