Best Tonearm Match for Shelter 901

I remember reading here on Audigon that some of the "best" tonearms (Graham in particular) are not suited for use with the Shelter 901 or 501 cartridge -- for whatever reason.

If anyone has recommendations for what they consider the best tonearm for the Shelter(s), I'd love to know what those arms are and why they would be a good match.

Also, if you could expand on why certain arms may not work well with this cartridge type -- I'd like to learn.

I currently use the Shelter with a Linn Ittok tonearm with what seems like great success, however I am in the process of building a Teres and would like to purchase the best arm possible for that table.
Twl, you always amaze me with, not only the complete knowledge of vinyl, but the way you communicate it. Up front and honest and in a very non-confrontational manor.
My hat's off to you....

.....Oh by the way....if your ever in town (NYC) I'd love you to come by and check up my Turntable/arm set up!

TWL - thanks for the great response. While it may be the preferred method, I'm still new to this and easily freaked out by things like the "thread and weight" method of setting up the anti-skate bias. Perhaps the only way to overcome that "fear" is to just give it a shot.

When you and I first set up my Linn LP12, I was freaked out then too... but, now after doing it a couple times I find the setup to be a piece of cake.

So since I'm going to try and overcome the tonearm adjustment fear.. what about a Moerch?

On another topic, have you heard about the new Teres with the Cocobolo platter? :)
Bwhite, Moerch is a good arm. It's not one that I would select personally for myself, but you could do alot worse. About the adjustment methods, all you have to do, is adjust it once, and you know how to do it. You just have to get on the bicycle and ride the damn thing!

Yes, I've known about the Cocobolo platter for about 6 months now. I haven't heard it, as I'm still trying to save up for the 255 platter. The word on the Teres forum is that it is better, but there is still some question about the long term stability of the wood, ie. it might shrink, move about, or change shape over time, and depending on conditions. From what I've heard, it is still an experimental thing, but there will be a few for sale, if you want one.
Whoops - I didn't realize (prior to posting) that Moerch is a unipivot design and would fall into the category of "not" being the best option for a low compliance cartridge like the Shelter. I think I'll look elsewhere...

Speaking of elsewhere, I'm also very interested in linear tracking arms (like the Eminent Technology) -- but there again, I have no clue how to set 'em up. :(

DO you have any thoughts on the linear tracking arms?
Brian, linear tracking arms that are of the kind of quality that you would need, are all air bearing types. They have alot of issues with leveling, keeping moisture out of the lines, and the noisy air pump, which usually has to be kept in another room, with the air lines running through the house to get to the pump. They have their strong points, but they are often times more of a pain in the ass than they are worth. If you want to play with pressure valves and gauges, and air lines and pumps, and moisture traps, and level the table every time you play, or risk breaking off your cantilever, then go for it. When they are right, a really good linear tracker can do the job as good as it can be done. They require constant attention.

There is a Moerch that is a dual-pivot. That's what I thought you were referring to. I still think the OL is better.