Kimber cable - good or bad?

Krell 600c
Revel F30

Thinking about a good speaker cable, Monocle XL or Bifocal but gets differing reviews, thought you guys might shed some light or recommend alternatives?

Thanks for the help
Hi Lawton111, i think the Kimber Select is nice stuff.
IMO, my OTA Cable Kit, at a fraction of the price of the silver Select, is a better sounding cable in every area.
I also think the OTA is IMO, a better cable than anything made by Nordost. Give it a try. You have much to win and a whole lot to lose.
Brulee, if the tax man is nice to me this year, i'm probably going to pick up one of the OTA kits that you've mentioned. Here's to hopin' : ) Sean
Give Me an email Sean, I may have something of interest to you. If you are willing to break in some cable for me, I may have a great deal on some of my OTA. I have no more video. Can't say I miss it a bit. Haven't watched a movie in over two years. Although I gotta see the Lord Of The Rings. Read the books 3 times and now starting it a fourth time.