Would you sleep better at night if.....

I'm not a big "cable guy" (yet) but if YOU had the oppty to switch from 50 (15 meters) foot runs of Transparent Ultra RCA's to Balanced Transparent Ultra XLR's of the same length for an additional $2500, would you do it? (Or devote these funds to another upgrade?

Most likely, since the runs are through walls, I will have to split some sheetrock and have them terminated on-site by the dealer.

I have very little noise now, but it may help me sleep better at night (or worse, depending on one's perspective :)

I'm also very curious as to how much the overall sound quality would improve in a room that seems to me to be bass-shy. (I thought 750 watts into the Salons would rattle the windows, but not yet).

My system consists of a Classe CP-60 preamp, Classe CAM-350 monoblocks, Rega Planet CD player and Revel Salon speakers.

Thanks in advance for your comments, Gentlemen and Ladies.

Point is that my interconnects made the purchase of a better amp unnecessary. If I had any more bass slam I might not be able to stand it. I have two pair of IC's one is terminated with WBT WCA, the other with Neutrik XLR.

You asked, "if YOU had the oppty to switch from 50 (15 meters) foot runs of Transparent Ultra RCA's to Balanced Transparent Ultra XLR's of the same length for an additional $2500, would you do it?" Based upon my experience for less than $500 you should easily be able to make interconnects that blow away Transparent Ultra XLR's, plus you will have all the bass you can stand.
I would try a set of Innersound balanced cable and put the $ into other areas.
Balanced cables have better noise rejection than RCA, provided that you don't float the ground. The increased bass slam which I mentioned above is not a function of the XLR's but rather minimizing the capacitance of the IC's and therefore preserving the signal. If Gerryn's current IC's have a high capacitance per meter then pushing that signal through 15 meters could easily be a reason he doesn't get the bass impact he expects.

Note that I never said that I have more bass. I said that I have more bass slam and impact or if you prefer the bass is tighter and has much more weight behind it. Any tonal shift in my system would be mitigated by my use of Tact RCS.

The OTA Cable Kit gave me the inspiration to do my own DIY IC's.