What's a phonostage, and do I need one?

Help a newbie make the right decisions. I'm almost finished putting together my beginner stereo system. All I have left is deciding on my turntable. I've been looking at the Audiogon discussions and pretty much decided on a Music Hall MMF-2.1 or 5 (I'm leaning towards the 5). My system is powered by an old Marantz 2270 (70 watts). It has a phono jack. One of the discussion threads concerned someone whose phono output was only putting out 1/2 the volume of his other sources. My question is, if I'm using my old receiver, am I going to need to purchase something else on top of what is included with the MMF-5 (or 2.1) for my turntable to sound comperable to my other sources? (my other sources are a marantz CC3000 5 disk changer and an old Nakamichi tape deck.) Thanks in advance.
In the 1970's, I had a Marantz 2270 receiver, and a Dual turntable (with Shure V15 cartridge). As Sid notes above, the phono stage in the 2270 has adequate gain to handle most moving-magnet and moving-iron cartridges (Grado cartridges), but it will not handle low-output moving coil cartridges (although it may have enough gain for high-output moving coils).

If you don't mind an unsolicited suggestion, it is probably past time for an upgrade from the 2270. While the 2270 was a very good receiver in the early days of solid state electronics, it is by now very dated. Since you are getting a new turntable, and therefore are presumably interested in having a high-resolution audio system, your next step in upgrading your system should be your receiver. Fortunately, there are some good receivers and some excellent integrated amps (if you can live without the tuner) available today. Look through the Audiogon archives for suggestions about receivers and integrated amps.
You have a very nice classic receiver and I wouldn't upgrade just because somebody says so. Of course you can do better, but give it a try before spending money needlessly.

One point about relative levels between phono and line level inputs: Most line level devices(like a cd player) put out on the order of 1-2 volts, whereas a phono cartridge outputs a few millivolts, and regardless how much gain you have you will ALMOST always have to turn your volume control up when phono is selected to match the other sources. And some records are cut at a much lower level than others which requires even more gain.

BTW, I have some vintage (70s) marantz separates that still serve me well in a bedroom system
Hi Nicko,
I still run my 1978 Marantz 2285 receiver in a system for my basement. You can plug your table right into the back of your unit. Don't forget to attach the ground wire. It will work just fine! These receivers were unique in that you can also run it as a pre amp if you wish. I recommend you purchase a good quality, used amp, here on Audiogon. This way you will still have all the function /features of the Marantz, but it itself doesn't have to work so hard to create music. I did the same thing and was very pleased with the results. Try Conrad Johnson products, for example the MF2250 or MF2500.