Thanks, Tubegroover, et al. Your comment's facscinating in that I spoke with Michael at Bel Canto before my demo and he said they were evaluating power cords for the DAC1, and found an $8 french cord they liked a lot (didn't say if it'd become OE, however). I must admit my eyes began to glaze over, as I didn't believe it could make a difference. My system (noted in the lead post?) consists of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores (amazing!), powered by Aleph 2s I suspended from the floor joists in the basement under the speakers (heat/WAF) fed by an Aleph P, all strung by Nordost Red Dawn balanced IC and Red Dawn II (2.5m). I'm using cheap power strips (w/o surge crap), yet have a totally quiet noisefloor, so assumed power-cord evolution would be fruitless. I'm taken by your observation of a spectral balance shift attributed to the DAC1's power cord change! Hmmm.... Was the evolution away from being uptilted toward neutrality? That's clearly what I need. As nice as those pianos sound on the 'Canto, it's clear that they (and most instruments) shrink in scale!...Steinway D becoming like M or even S! FYI I measured pinks in the AB's, and noticed the BelCanto to be 0.4dB LOUDER than the Rotel 855, so I'm sure the laid-back soundstage is a valid observation of the 'Canto's effect, and not based on a softer level. Also, a few cursory 1/3 octave sweeps verified no other level differences at ANY frequency band, once corrected for the 0.4 dB diff. In-room frequency anomolies of my system, ref pink=0: flat 40-63, +4dB at 80, +1 @ 100, falling to -3dB at 300; climbing to +3dB at 600; falling to -3dB at 3k, then climbing to +3 at 6k, then falling through 0 at 12k. So it seems I have a lean lower-mid and lean lower-treble. The room-related 85Hz bump was worse before I got the Aleph/Nordost stuff. The bass is actually quite wonderful... its the midrange/treble leanness that's bothersome...and seems WORSE with the Bel Canto, again, maybe because its cleaner treble drew more attention to itsself?? Hope I'm making sense. Ya think a power cord can flatten this perceived-or-real upramp? Thanks again. Ernie PS I got a Steinway B in the room, so I KNOW what THAT sounds like! Ric Shultz wrote me that his new Millenium will be way better than the 'Canto (his words...I wish he had time to be more explicit!). What do you guys think? Anybody getting the Millenium II soon?
JOB, BelCanto, Perpetual, MilleniumDACs?
Greetings. My evolving ref system (ParsifalEncores/AlephP+2s/RedDawn) needs a new digital front end. I've read about the DACs listed above, and hope to hear commentary that might save me enormous time comparing them. This system is WAY too revealing of my old Rotel CDP's inadequacies (HF roughness, especially), but a quick fix with an ARCAM 9 proved unsuccessful: it's too rhythmically handicapped! Is the 'Canto the easy solution to achieve high resolution AND rhythmic prowess? Thanks. Ernie (Whatjd: lost the thread with your comments--please repeat, if you would be so kind.)
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- 28 posts total