Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?

Can a power cord really make an audible difference in a system? I have heard it does, but I have not spent the money to upgrade yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated! I was looking at NBS cords. I am relatively new to the hi-end game so I am trying to draw on your knowledge. Thanks for your time.
Good sound starts at the wall outlet. first have dedicated ac lines installed with 12 ga. wire. then replace your wall sockets with an audiophile grade such as the Fim. next use a hi-quality passive power strip followed by great power cords and you will have made major improvements in your system. what all this does is greatly lower the noise floor by rejecting RF and other types of interference riding on the power lines. once this junk is eliminated from your system the sound will open up and become much more refined. for the first time you will be able to hear what your equipment was designed to sound like.
If your considering power cords, you absolutely owe it to your self to try either the HSR-A(II) from TG Audio. I have not heard the HSR Silver, but have one on order for audition, and have heard nothing but rave comments on it.
Except in some very pathologic conditions, you won't hear a difference between stock and kilobuck power cords, or any PC inbetween for that matter. That's if you listen just using your ears, however. People can "hear" all sorts of amazing things when they listen with their eyes and wallets. Not completely a bad thing if it enhances your overall musical experience, but I'd rather put my money where it affects the sound.