Electrostatic speaker cables...

I just read SoundLabs white paper on electrostatic speaker cables. It recommends low inductance AND low capacitance for a speaker cable, along with a medium impedence.

I own a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i, and am looking for upgrade suggestions: I'm powering them with a VTL IT 85, and right now, am using MIT Terminator4 cables. I would like to find a cable that fits the above suggestions that is also biwired.

Any recommendations? Obviously, SoundLab's own cables would be one idea, but I wouldn't be able to audition them. I'm planning on loaning a bunch of cables from fatwyre.com...

Hello Dennis. Try the Kimber Bi-Focal"X" (9ga), or "XL" (5.5ga). This speaker wire is neutral, transparent with excellent focus and enveloping sound-staging (depth, width and height). This series posesses the rare quality of being neutral, quick and transparent with harmonic richness/realism and "body". A great match for electrostatic speakers.

peter jasz
I have tried many speaker cables on my Soundlab U-1. Best results were from Nordost Quatra-fil , Purist Dominus, Cardas Golden Cross and top end Audioquest, such as Volcano.

All of these are extremely high quality construction, low capacitance and use high purity metals in their construction. The ones I listed are the high end of each manufacturers line, so if cost is an issue consider finding used.

My personal choices (in order) is Purist Dominus, Nordost Quatra-fil, then Cardas. The Quatra-fil is the most transparent, the Cardas is the warmest and the Purist is the most phase accurate and prettiest midrange.

Observations made on Soundlabs may not transfer to your Martin Logan's. For instance, the midrange on your Aerius may make the Nordost a poor choice. I would not be surprised if the Cardas was the best choice with your amp and speakers.

Please post results if you try some of these and what you decide.
I own ML Requests and Krell electronics. I use Pure Note Epsilon Ref. Speaker cables, they have no cap. and low inductance. These were some of the few cables that sound real on my system. I tried Silversmith but they were too bright.
I own ML monoliths and have tried several cables. My favorite has been Audioquest Clear (no longer available new--but you can find it on the used market). In my opinion these were some of the best speaker cables made, although I have not tried everything and have only tried Purists interconnects--so I can not comment on their speaker cables.