Will Microsoft kill DVD-A and SACD?

There are two new paradigms that Microsoft is trying to dominate: peer-to-peer computing and media. (You can quote me on this.) I could wax eloquent on this but I'd have to bill you.

Anyway, Microsoft has purchased HDCD technology and licensing.
What effect will this have on the new hi-res formats? Will HDCD now replace these other formats since it has the backing of the folks from Washington State?
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj
As I stated in an earlier post, Krell will no longer add HDCD to their processors because Microsoft raised the price too much for the licensing.
Wonder if this technology could result in "Blue Speaker of Death" should the system crash?

By the way Lugnut, I am equal in my admiration of Bill Gates as you.
If it is Microsoft, it will crash. They can't even get their PC operating systems to work right. How in the world will they get something that they don't even know about to work? At least the small audio manufacturers de-bug their software. Microsoft releases their stuff so full of bugs, an anteater couldn't find them all. I can see it now, on my CD player screen: PROGRAM HAS ENCOUNTERED A FATAL ERROR AND WILL BE SHUT DOWN, PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE. All I can say is that I hope they have a convenient re-boot switch.
Well, if they price it too high, they're more likely to kill of HDCD than anything else.
y'all hold gates & microsludge arrogance in the same esteem as myself. I'm really extremely sorry to hear that they're involved as surely this spells the death of a great format due to corporate incompetence. Those clowns couldn't build a competent tricycle.