Will Microsoft kill DVD-A and SACD?

There are two new paradigms that Microsoft is trying to dominate: peer-to-peer computing and media. (You can quote me on this.) I could wax eloquent on this but I'd have to bill you.

Anyway, Microsoft has purchased HDCD technology and licensing.
What effect will this have on the new hi-res formats? Will HDCD now replace these other formats since it has the backing of the folks from Washington State?
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj
Well, if they price it too high, they're more likely to kill of HDCD than anything else.
y'all hold gates & microsludge arrogance in the same esteem as myself. I'm really extremely sorry to hear that they're involved as surely this spells the death of a great format due to corporate incompetence. Those clowns couldn't build a competent tricycle.
I fully agree with many of the earlier posts about Microsoft's worthless business practices. It seems to me they have bought into the HDCD technology in part because
software sales have been lagging for some time; and they are
maybe hoping to get some new source of revenue.
Of course, if they price their "new" technology too high
no company will buy it. And that may well prove to be the
case. They are such greedy schmucks!
I use windows media player with my xp system, and popped in a cd by king chango and saw hdcd appear on the bottom of the window. Does anyone know of any other media players that decode hdcd?
I hadn't known, but do find it curious, that MS would invest in HDCD. After all, it's certainly not the future of music data storage (neither is CD in general), most current hardware doesn't decode it, and the percentage of software manufactured using it is miniscule. There has to be some unseen-by-me (though I readily admit to not being an expert - or really caring - about such matters) motive for such an inexplicable aquisition. Or maybe Bill just likes the way they sound in his system. But kill DVD-A and SACD? HDCD can't do multi-channel. What could sink those formats is if people don't care about surround music, but not HDCD.