Muse 9 CDP the best CD I ever have heard

Just gor my new Muse 9 signature CDP. WOw what a incredible good sound. I dint thinbk that you could get so good sond from old redbook CDs. The resolution and prrsentation of microdetail is faboulus, The sound is so musical and utterly refined easily outperforming Wadia 860ix previosly the best in my system, I havent heard enough of 2496 CDs yet to comment on that sound. But at below 4000 dollars I think its a steal!! Anyone else who have heard this CDP?
Maybe, you should write a review about it? What other associated equipment, and speakers you have? etc...!
Ulf, I too have the Model 9 Signature and I second your thoughts. Better than anything I have had before by a LARGE margin. As for the rest of my equipment, I am using the Presence Audio Deluxe line stage, EVo, and yes........gasp.........the Khorus' by Talon Audio. Cabling is by AP.
Im building a high resolution system around the Audio Artistry Dvorak speaker. Its an incredible good speaker, much underrated, with Silversmith cables (triwired-very expensive but worth it). I use Rowland model 2 amp for the main panel and looking for one more used to drive the subs. Dolphin whats your opinion on 2496 DAD capability? My intinal findings is that the 9 is so good at redbook Cds that 2496 is only marginal better.
Ulf, I would like to pleasantly diagree with your findings. A well recorded (not all of them fit this criteria) 24/96 DAD if much better than your typical redbook CD. I came to the same conclusion as you with other 24/96 capable players, but with the Muse, most 24/96 DAD's sound more musical and detailed w/o a hint of glare.
Ulf, I own the Rowland Model 10 and Synergy II. I used to own the Model 2 and loved it. One thing--I honestly believe that another Model 2 would be complete overkill if used as bass module amps on your speakers. Plus, I think you could probably use a bit more power there than you need on the main speaker units, the Model 2 is "just" 75 watts. As long as you have a high current capable amp of decent quality and maybe 200 watts or so, I'd think that would be more than sufficient for your needs; and save you some $$ too. The Innersound ESL amp would be one good choice, it's OEM'd from Coda. Shoot, even a relatively inexpensive Rotel or Adcom amp might do the trick on those woofers. Save the $$, sell your Model 2, and we'll get you a new Model 10 to boot!