harmonic technology power cord

any feedback on the harmonic technoloy power cord esp compared to some of the cords getting a lot of buzz on the net eg virtual dynamics? their speaker cable has a rep for being smooth detailed and neutral- due apparently to the single crystal geometry.
I guess as always; your results may vary. I found the AC-11 to be slightly grainy (in my system anyway).
The H/T Pro-11 AC is a price/performance CHAMPION. You can do a little better, but it'll cost ya'!
Yah, I too wonder, how does the Pro-11 stack up against the cables that are getting so much buzz eg Virtual Dynamics?
I tried the Pro AC11 upon recommendation & was not thrilled. It was an OK cable & certainly better than stock cords but I did return it without hesitataion.
I sold my Ac-11 also. Now I got a Virtual Dynamics cheap and wonder what to do with this 10 lb snake? Sheesh!