Best set-up for up to 9k retail?

What are your thoughts on the best table/arm/cartridge set-up. So far, what I'm leaning towards is an Avid Volvare (4k), Tri-Planar arm(3k) and Lyra Helikon(2k) cartridge. Also, what's a good phonostage match?

I'm considering an upgrade from a Nottingham Interspace table/arm and a Dynavector Karat cartridge. I'm using a Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibralter and a homemade Big Rock.

I'm a big jazz fan but also dip into Steely Dan, King Crimson and Mahavishnu.

I've got a Rogue Magnum Tempest and Von Schweikert DB-100 speakers (obscure, but great).

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks,guys, I think Inna gets the point. BTW, the stuff I mentioned above is not even what I own. I recommended a Teres 255, OL Illustrious, Shelter 901, and Aesthetix IO. For the record, I own Teres 245, OL Silver, Shelter 501, and MFA Magus. None of the components I recommended here are those that I own. Furthermore, they all fit into the requirements listed by the thread-poster, and I felt that they would meet his needs, and specified why. At no time did I disparage his own choices that were up for discussion, and even stated that they would likely be a very good sounding rig. My recommendations stemmed from an attempt to show him a way to get as good or better sound quality, and save him enough money so he could afford to spend more on a quality phono stage like the IO. I thought that was what he wanted to know, so that's what I responded with. I do the same thing when others ask similar questions. I don't think it's fair to the person asking the question, to hold back pertinent information about a product, just because some people don't want to hear about it.
Marakanetz, I didn't have a thing to do with the Teres design, nor have any relationship with the company, other than being a customer. I know it may not appear that way to some, but I assure you that I have only the best interest of the members here, at heart. No personal agenda. I simply am enjoying mine so much, that I would like others to know about it, so they can get the same level of enjoyment as I am having, or even more maybe. I have always tried to find products that are over-achievers for my system, because I have champagne taste and a beer budget. I think many of the members may be in the same situation. So I try to "turn them on" to stuff that performs well and is affordable. That's all.
Excellent.I would like to add that Tom is a big boy and does not need your support.But he does sound like a salesman,selling his opinions in the case of this forum.Who else has similar thoughts?
Kinda like your pimping of Purist Audio cables, Inna? Why not make that "outta", instead of "inna"? Who else has similar thoughts?
Ahrrrrrr! I didn't mean to start the war here dammit! My fault! Appologies to Twl!

Usually for me one answer on one question is enough to be satisfied...

As to being or not being a part of design team of Teres, I also didn't mean to burn someone on that! To me it's NOTHING-wrong-about situation as long as it helps to the members...

Rives advertises HIS PRODUCTS and his designes, ideas here on the forums and I think with great success and with great help to the members... Anyone has thoughts about Rives?