Best set-up for up to 9k retail?

What are your thoughts on the best table/arm/cartridge set-up. So far, what I'm leaning towards is an Avid Volvare (4k), Tri-Planar arm(3k) and Lyra Helikon(2k) cartridge. Also, what's a good phonostage match?

I'm considering an upgrade from a Nottingham Interspace table/arm and a Dynavector Karat cartridge. I'm using a Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibralter and a homemade Big Rock.

I'm a big jazz fan but also dip into Steely Dan, King Crimson and Mahavishnu.

I've got a Rogue Magnum Tempest and Von Schweikert DB-100 speakers (obscure, but great).

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I agree that the Redpoint TT is a very good one. It is made by some of the same people that worked on the Teres project, and some feel it is an improvement. Another one of the better values in the TT arena.
TWL what would you venture to say a turntable which would better my Audio Aero Capitol Mark 2 CD player would cost? Read today the Teres 135 is better sounding than a VPI TNT 4 using the same arm and cartridge on both tables. Didn't know the lower priced Teres was this good.
Mejames, I know you have a very high end system. In order for you to really do justice to your system, I would recommend getting something that is a little higher in the line from the Teres 135. I had the 135 and it was very good. But the 245 or 255 is the cat's ass. These are not terribly more expensive at only $2150 or $2850 respectively. That is not alot as analog decks go. The main weakness in the 135 model is the bass response is weaker than the others, and detail and smoothness are not as good either. There is a major jump in performance at the 245 model. That is what I have.

I have listed in a previous post above my choices for the best performance for dollar. To reiterate, I think the Teres 245, Origin Live Silver, and Shelter 501 represent the best for the money in each of their respective categories. And by quite a fair margin, I might add. These will outperform units costing several times their prices, and approach the state-of-the-art. They may not be the ultimate pinnacle, but are very close and cost a reasonable amount.

IMO, there is no digital player made that can compete with this. At any price. The total for this analog setup is about half what a new AA Capitole costs.

I think you would serve your system well to have a rig like this on the front end. Go for the 245, it's worth the extra few hundred over the 135. I have used both. If you can stretch up to the 255, it's even better. The difference is not as dramatic as the difference between 135 and 245, but it is an improvement. Also, Teres is a very nice looking table, and is also pretty compact in the footprint. You don't need a square yard of shelf space for it.

You could also look at the Redpoint TT, but I selected the Teres because I preferred the appearance, performance is comparable, and Teres costs less.

It is factory-direct only, and the pricing is about 1/4-1/3 of what you'd normally pay for this performance at a retail level. You can see them at
Mejames,my MMF 7 $999 retail is not only better than my Audio Aero Capitole MKII,but MUCH BETTER !! (I have VPI Aries also)

I still own my Capitole right now even though I'm going to sell it soon. I have enough with digital for now.

I know my words above are not a good advise to the buyers of my player. (I should post it later after selling it.. LOL)

I'm sorry to all digital lovers.
TWL-I've read your comments sporadically for 2 years along with everyone else's and you have distinguished yourself sufficiently in my mind to elicit direct email queries from me on numerous occassions.
This time I'll pose a question to you for all to read as I'm curious about your answer and would like to present you an opportunity in this thread to demonstrate how you typically deal with like questions.
How would you compare my Well-Tempered Reference Table and arm with AQ7000 cartridge to the Teres rig you own?
And just remember the words of Jonathan Swift, "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him".
I hope this puts you "Inna" better mood.