Extreme Phono None-Felt Mat Residue


I recently purchased the donut style none-felt mat for my turntable. I like the sound of it as compared to the standard felt mat--much tighter across the board.

One major problem, though, is that it leaves a residue on my LPs. I have tried cleaning the mat with regular dish soap and water, followed by a brushing with some record cleaning solution. This did help a little bit, but the residue remains. I have tried to remove the residue from my LPs with a regular vacuum cleaning, but it hasn't worked. (I'll have to take the plunge and purchse the miracle record cleaner, I think...) So, my question is: how can I prevent the mat from leaving this residue on my LPs? Is there a better way to clean the mat?

I should note that I have been leaving my LPs on the turntable and mat for longer than is required to listen to them, and this appears to make a difference to what residue is left on them when I remove them. Still, short of always returning them to the sleeve, what can I do to prevent this problem?

I have the same mat and don't have that problem. Maybe yours is from a bad batch of the material. Why don't you ask for an exchange?
BTW, I agree with your experience as far as the sonics, compared to the felt mat.

I don't clamp. Just the record sitting on the mat on the platter.

Thanks for the advice about emailing Ng. Good to hear not everyone has this problem.

I'm from "Terra Santa"... Israel, and with my ProJect 6.9 I'm using the UK made Ringmat!
Superb sound, and always CLEAN records...!
