Low output MCs have unbelievably low outputs. Don't be misled by their output specs. Output specs must go accompanied by velocity. The output of the very low level ambient information is REALLY low. Such a signal is extremely delicate, highly succeptible to induced noise, vibration and overall degradation. In other words, successfully handling low output MCs is not cheap.
If you want, as you say, to forget about the recording, you can do very well with a high output MC or a moving magnet. Sean is very fond of his Stanton 881S and I just love my modded Stanton Groovemaster II, both MM designs. Since it broke in I haven't had the need to go back to my Ortofon X5 high output MC. The X5 is Ortofon's best high output MC, a great tracker, very neutral sounding, extremely musical cartridge suitable for all types of music. My modded Groovemaster II does not have the high frequency extension nor the soundstage of the X5 but it's sooo more musical and an even better tracker!
Keeping the noise floor under control and having good trackability is essential for retrieving low level information. That's where the ambience lies. The fact that you liked the Dynavector for classical reflects that's what you're looking for.
Who knows, you might even end up with a modded 1200 like Zaikesman and yours truly!!!