Add a DAC or buy a new CD player?

I currently have a Rotel 855 and am looking to upgrade. I plan to spend less than $1500. Am I better off adding a DAC or buying a new one-box player?
You should wait until digital war is over, if you can't wait to improve you system till then you should try some good 24/96 dac like MSB latest version or the more exp like Bel Canto or just go ahead get those DVD player. That's just my op.
upgrade your preamp by $1500 - it will give ewe the best overall sonic improvement, imho. go w/a tubed unit. it will also have the added benefits of improving any other sources you may be using. going from a linn kairn to a melos music director mad a *big* improvement to all my sources, especially cd. w/this unit, i could discern no differences between my $500 nad cd-changer, & a $1700 alchemist cd player. my brother-in-law noticed only miniscule changes when going from the alchemist cd player to a resolution audio cd-50, but *huge* changes when going from his alchemist preamp to an a-r ls-16. doug
Hi Kadlec, I agree with Sedond. A good pre is a must if you want to get the most out of your digital. If you are going to use a pre-amp everything is going thru it so it only makes since to use a good one. Right on Sedond.
I left out two bits of info in my original question. I have a pretty good preamp (classe 6) and a large collection of 16-bit cds.
Get a MSB Link DAC. The new version III can be upgraded with a simple add on board later to future standards. Or pick up the original Link I cheaper. The Link II I beleve can be upgraded, but only by the company?? There is also a Cambridge Audio S700 DAC for auction on this site by some dealer. It has a DAC-7 converter and HDCD. Is also its own issolation platform. Don't know his reserve, list is $600.