Add a DAC or buy a new CD player?

I currently have a Rotel 855 and am looking to upgrade. I plan to spend less than $1500. Am I better off adding a DAC or buying a new one-box player?
I'd pick up a used Sonic Frontiers TranDac, I got one for $100. Then, go tubes in the pre
I agree on the cd player. Whenever I put my cheap cd player into a system, it ruins it. You can just hear it's signature digital harshness through the whole system. I have owned the adcom 750, and I think it's a good player. You can get one for $750 ish. A better player is the Sony XA7ES which has high quality variable outs thus bypassing the need (and versatility) of a preamp. You can find these for $1300 or so. I think you have to get into the $2000+ dac territory to beat it. A third approach would to buy an older, high quality DAC such as the meridian 203 (seen for $195). These had 1991 era digital circuits, but very good analog outputs. My baseless personal opinion is that a high quality analog section is worth more than the latest digital circuitry. Has anyone compared the new msb's with an older, high end dac ?
i guess ewe yust have to try for yourself - my experience, & that of my brother-in-law, are prety much opposite that of john & elizabeth. w/a nice tube preamp, the difference between $500 cd-changers up to $3500 cd players are nominal, & the $500 cd player w/toob preamp is much nicer than the $3500 cd-player & nice solid-state preamp. oh well... ;~) doug
Is Rotel replace their cd player with new model ?? Elizabeth ?? I am on going to buy one, please e-mail me !!
I really like my Bel Canto DAC1. Check out these reviews, I think they might answer your questions. Good Luck,Charlie