Do power conditioners really help?

I am a thinking about a purchasing a power conditioner for my system but really don't know much about power conditioners. I have a Denon AVR 5800 home THX with B&W Nautilus speaker set up. I'm also thinking about purchasing a power cable. I am currently using the Denon factory cable. If I buy a good power cable do I need a power conditioner? I'm clueless and wondering if I will hear any sound improvements. Prices I've looked at range from $30 to $2000. If I purchase, used or new, I only am willing to spend $300-$500. Comments welcome.
No Doubt in my mind. with your system, TICE SOLO VIDEO will help audio and video. Monster less dramatic, but still what proved to me they helped. I do have a HTS3000 very cheap as I upgrade to Tice. Audio improvement not as dramatic as video improvement (both units).
Yup, I am using VD powercord to "filter" the ac going into my PS Audio Juicebar. Works decent in clearing up hiss, static and pops (my system is sensitive to voltage shifts since my alpha dac hooks straight into the amp). However, components like my trans sounds much better when the VD powercord is directly connected to it.
Yes they do work. Get a dedicated 20 amp ciruit first and then look into balanced power. I also made my own powercords,very cheep and fun to do.
Flemke and Cornfed are right in my opinion. Try to get the old type screw in ceramic fuses instead of circuit breakers. These things are reported as noisy.
The dedicated line is the first line of defense. If you can install one, go for it.

Since you are using a receiver, pretty much any power conditioner will constrict dynamics. That's why the dedicated line should be the first step. Then I'd go for the Tice Video SOLO...