Goldmund Studio-still one of the best?

I can buy one Goldmund Studio in Germany for 3500 euros, the shop claim that Studio is realy (and still)one of the best of all times.Now, i have Wilson Benesch The Circle with Rega RB300(1500 euros new) ,and renewed Benz Micro MC2.
Is Goldmund so much better like price shows, any other sugestions- better and cheeper than old Studio?
I have a studio brand new in original box, Ialso have a same era Jos Grado tone arm also new. Had intentions to put it all together but death in family took a toll Then just kept the unit all these years in boxes Now I'm all about front projection home theather and a 4 year and 5 year old Children!
Dollars and Euros are roughly comparable....I paid US$2,000 for a Studio Mk IV new in the box about 15 years ago. The arm, the T3F is a stinker so don't consider it....The T3B sounded a bunch better than the T3F, but both were problematic.....I wouldn't at the pricing offered as they are way too proud of the table/arm combo....Keep what you have.......
Can you tell the physical dimensions (width & Depth )of the Goldmund Studio?? I'm about to inherit one soon and am trying to prepare its new location
Rcrump, I have problems with an SL5 linear arm, which was also sired by Pierre Lurne. Would the T3s be based on the same arm, as far as you know? The SL5 jumps up too frequently, and it seems rather fussy, did you encounter the same kind of problems with the T3s?
Had three friends with T3Bs or T3Fs and they would sometimes misbehave......I used a Shreve Rabco on the Goldmund Studio before I bought the Rockport table over a decade ago........I would be sure that there are parts and service available for the T3B and would not consider the T3F as it paled in comparison to the T3B arms....Had a friend that had his T3B updated to the T3F ad it came back sucking big time so he figured it was the rebuild so he bought a new T3F and it wasn't any better than the rebuild......He also now has a Rockport as he traded off the Goldmund Reference/T3F for the Sirius......Been a lot of years ago......Unless you have support for the parts and service I wouldn't buy the Goldmund arm.........You can likely do better with an ET arm for less money and not have the headaches as one of the Houston group did years ago