Speaker Cable Too Short What to do?

Greetings, I just bought a pair of expensive mit cables but one of them does not quite reach my amp by a foot. What an idiot I am!!!!
I am playing around with the furniture to try to make things work, but is there anything else I can do? Can I use an mit jumper to extend the short cable? Will that degrade the sound? Does it matter that one speaker cable will be longer than the other?
Ag insider logo xs@2xasamuelson
In a lighter vein, you may wish to avail yourself of a new cable stretching service........????

CARTOON LINK: http://www.vantageaudio.com/photo/stretch.jpg

Regards, Richard

Asamualson, this is a great site, unfortuantely you will learn what Tim the Tireguy mentioned best in another post, when it comes to opinions on eq and cables most people highly recommend.... what they use. Good luck with MIT/Spectral situation - great system IMHO...