The best Cdp that have volume control

Hi to all experts I have SF concerto and Bryston 4BS T. I am looking for a cd player (used) that can connect directly to my amp.What is the best CD plaver that match with my system and sound smooth. The price range from $800-$2000
I've owned the Sony XA7ES, and the Wadia 830. In the system I had at the time, they were sonically equivalent. System was SFM-160 Tube amps and virgo speakers with $35 copper speaker cables. The wadia gets rave reviews but I kept the sony due to it's build quality, vastly superior ergo's, and digital output. The wadia made you put the cd on UPSIDE DOWN, and didn't have the way-precise in-track fast forward /reverse or one tough track selector. Wadia is in financial/bankrupt/being bought throes right now. Another CD player with a few rabid fans is the Resolution Audio 50/55. It heard it once, and thought it was detailed yet very natural sounding. Used prices are Sony($1100), Wadia $(2100ish), and RA ($1500ish). Using the variable outs, these CD players are all in the same general ballpark sonically. I did own a non-variable out adcom 750 for a time, and I thought it had about 80% of the sony's sound quality. Nice, but less transparent with a touch of metal. I've heard that Cal audio makes a good tube-based variable out player.
Theta Miles used from Can't be beat for about $1300. Probably sound similar to the Wadia.
whatever cd-player ewe currently have, will sound better run thru a nice tubed preamp, if yer budget can go up to $2k, than whatever $2k cd player ewe can find that can be run straight-in to an amp. try used melos, cary, rogue, audio-research preamps - these are ones i'm familiar with, i'm sure there are many others.
