The answer to this, after thinking it over, kind of surprised me as it's the same for all my "disposable big ticket" items. The main ones are cars, girl friends and hang gliders. Across the board, 3-5 years and it's time for a new one. Not sure if that's a comforting trend or not...
Luckily for the immediate gratification gene in me there's still beer and hockey tickets. Beer gets upgraded whenever it runs out. Hockey ticket upgrades happen every year. Talk about planned obsolescence. Without fail they work one season and BAM!, time for a new set. Go figure.
Luckily for the immediate gratification gene in me there's still beer and hockey tickets. Beer gets upgraded whenever it runs out. Hockey ticket upgrades happen every year. Talk about planned obsolescence. Without fail they work one season and BAM!, time for a new set. Go figure.