2Ch amp Quandry..

I have the Def.Tech's BP3000TL's and I've narrowed my choices down to 3 different 2Ch amps..Bel Canto Evo 220.2,
B&K Ref.2220, and the Bryston 4B-St..I would like to get the Bryston of the bunch,if available..But what would my next choice be between the Bel Canto and the B&K ? Thanks to all for your help !
Check out Odyssey Stratos amps at odysseyaudio.com. Read the reviews there and look at their pricing. Then determine how the Stratos may compare to the amps you list above. Not to mention the money you'd save.
Second on the Odyssey! Great Value. You could get the new single chassis Monos and still be paying less than the amps above.