2Ch amp Quandry..

I have the Def.Tech's BP3000TL's and I've narrowed my choices down to 3 different 2Ch amps..Bel Canto Evo 220.2,
B&K Ref.2220, and the Bryston 4B-St..I would like to get the Bryston of the bunch,if available..But what would my next choice be between the Bel Canto and the B&K ? Thanks to all for your help !
Second on the Odyssey! Great Value. You could get the new single chassis Monos and still be paying less than the amps above.
I agree with the first 2 suggestions, go with the Odyssey and maybe get the 120,000mfd option. They sound & look nice, don't cost a fortune and are built by a company that has been around for a long time. I heard them at the Festival Du Son and thought they were a great bargain. You won't loose a ton of money if you decide to sell it as well.

Just ask some owners about these amps, these guys are crazy about them. Thats where I'd look if I were looking at reasonably priced SS amps. I heard the B&K and the Bryston and thought neither of them were anything great. I certainly feel the Odyssey I heard at the show was just as good if not a little better in some aspects than either of those amps.

Best of luck,