I have always read that Thorens tables are a good one when
you don't want to spend too much. Of course, one man's
low-end is another man's impossibly expensive luxury! I
picked up a TD-110 for $50 and added a Shure M97XE
cartridge; sounds pretty good to me.
I think the best bargain is a TD-125 with a removable
arm board so you can experiment with different tone arms.
People seem to like that Shure SME-3009 arm; this combo
might be my next one if I ever find a reason to upgrade.
you don't want to spend too much. Of course, one man's
low-end is another man's impossibly expensive luxury! I
picked up a TD-110 for $50 and added a Shure M97XE
cartridge; sounds pretty good to me.
I think the best bargain is a TD-125 with a removable
arm board so you can experiment with different tone arms.
People seem to like that Shure SME-3009 arm; this combo
might be my next one if I ever find a reason to upgrade.