Is the SPM/Quatro fil still a good choice

With the now venerable Nordost Valhalla speaker and interconnect cable, is the Nordost SPM reference and Quatro fil interconnect still a good choice for audiophile who dont have almost 10K to spend on just cable and want extreme purity and transparent non fatiguing sound?

I've been looking at these 2 IC's myself, and was wondering what you consider the differences to be. You don't see 1 meter RCA Quatro Fils come up for sale too often, and wondered how much better it was than the SPM. IYHO, are they worth the price difference?

I had used this combo, SPM/Quattro-fil and was quite happy with this set-up. It was very good, until I finally swallowed deeply and ponied up the money for the Valhalla speaker cable. The improvement was well worth the money! Of course, I was lucky, for I could get by with only a short 2 meter run. Happy Tunes!
They are both nice cables. I have owned both interconnects, and the Quattro has a more balanced sound IMO (some would say neutral), with slightly more bass than the SPM. The SPM is slighty tilted towards the highs. I have also owned Red Dawn and Blue Heaven. As you go up the Nordost line, there is improvement. The Red Dawn I found to be slightly dry in comparison. Not dry in a bad way, just in comparison.

If you have trouble finding the Quattro in RCA used and you want two pairs, then look for a used 2 meter pair. I have heard that Nordost will cut them down and re-terminate them to new quality, for $100 per end ($400 total for 2 pairs, since 4 ends are already terminated). I do not know how they compare to those bought new, but since Nordost is doing the work, I assume good.