Kana - yes, I saw that. Thank you.
I currently have the Lampizator Big6 (which is actually sold, just waiting for check to clear), Aeris, EA OverDrive, Meitner MA-1 and my old PSA PW2 in my room. The DirectStream is arriving Monday and the Aesthetix Romulus is incoming whenever it's ready and available. I will try to find a dealer who would lend me a well burned in Alpha Ref. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. I'm happy to listen if you, or anyone else, can arrange getting one to me.
I'm doing my best, but since I try to REALLY listen to each unit, each comparison takes a LOT of time. My current protocol is to listen to my 33 song playlist on each of 2 DAC's; and then repeat the same thing a few days later, listening to the other 1 one first. It works but I may try to cut down my listening list to 15 if I can.... I sometimes only listen to portions of a song, but if it sucks me in........