High performance electric outlets

I just moved into an apartment which has the weakest and most feeble outlets I have ever seen. There seems to be so much confusion and controversy about this subject that I have no idea where to start.

My apartment has the electric panel in the pantry closet, so I will be able to draw 220V for my ONEAC 3000W isolation transformer. The transformer has two 110V outlets and feeds all my system. I would also need two or three more outlets in a power strip next to my equipment.

Should I just get something like two of those orange Leviton Hospital Grade outlets from Home Depot ($11.00 each) to replace the ones in the isolation transformer or is it really worth to go the 'audio grade' route? If so, how can I make an educated decision?
For some weird reason, the orange ( GFI ) Leviton's ( maybe it was Pass & Seymour ??? ) are supposed to actually degrade sound after a period of time. Someone noticed this and decided to take one of theirs apart after about 6 months of use. They found that the conductive tabs were coated in some type of greasy, oily slime. If you are further interested in this story, do a search on AA. I can't recall what forum it was in. Probably either tweaks or cables.

If you are worried about outlets, buy some good hospital grade outlets. Once you get to that level, i see you hitting a point of diminishing returns. Your outlets and power cords will be strictly at the mercy of the building wiring and ground. I assume that you don't want to get into rewiring that : ) Sean

Actually, you should try the upgraded bryant outlets from home depot if you dont want to spend a ton. They have nice contacts and are well built.. they are like 7 bucks each...
other than that, you could get the ps audio outlets for 49.99 each ... I would definately get a voltage tester in there to see what kind of power you are getting before doing anything... in a multi dwelling, sometimes there arent dedicated circuts per unit... in your case, just make sure you are getting decent constant voltage /amperage and then get nicer outlets to make a good contact for your expensive ac gear!!
Good luck,
Joe DiMonte
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I have a related question. If you have a circuit that feeds three separate outlets, you "hospital" upgrade one of the outlets, and don't use the other two at all, is that basically the same as having a dedicated outlet.