"Do you know what the physical differences between the 8300 and 5362 are?"
Other than the bright-nickel plating and differing face material of the 8300, they are *identical* in construction and size/dimension......again, identical. The brass alloy for the power contacts, etc. is identical as well.
"Have you ever had an 8300 cryo'd? If so, what were the differences?"
Yes. All the 5362's and 8300's I'm offering ARE cryo'd....in fact double-cryo'd. I mentioned the sonic differences (between the two duplexes) in my previous post. If you're asking about the sonic differences between a cryo'd 8300 and a non-cryo'd 8300, I can't offer an opinion, as I never did such a comparison. After cryo'ing a few different test items earlier in the year, I decided to cryo *everything*, as the sonic rewards were clearly evident to my ears. As of tomorrow, all my system cabling (and extras) will have undergone double-cryo processing so I can listen to music again!