Music Hall or Rega TT

I'm getting ready to upgrade my TT and am wondering what is the best way to go. I am looking at the Music Hall MM7, as well as the Rega P3 and Rega P25.
Well, they all have their good points.

The Regas tend to be a touch fast on speed, and sometimes don't mate well with Grado cartridges because of the motor location causing hum. But they have very good arms, and are easy to upgrade and tweak.

The Music Hall has some advanced features like improved motor position and nice plinth design. They use a Sumiko Project arm, which is pretty good. Music Hall's designer used to make the now-defunct Revolver turntable, which was considered good at the time.

So you have tables to choose from that come from some of the older and more experienced British turntable makers. You could do alot worse than any one of them.

If you are looking at that price range, you may want to also consider the Nottingham Horizon. Nottingham makes some nice turntables that are good performance value for the money.
Since you are planning to upgrade your TT, I suggest you also consider the entry-level VPI Jr. It can be upgraded in increments all the way to the HW-19 Mk4, so you have a TT that can grow with your analog interests.
Don't forget the Creature on steroids...a review is coming up on on the optional outboard power supply.