Sony sacd "custom setting"

Has anybody out there switched the factory setting on the rear of Sony's SCD-777ES from "standard" to "custom"? A warning regarding the increase in frequency associated with custom setting, states potential damage to amp and/or speakers, if used without compatible ampliflier. I would love to try the "custom" setting, but wish to hear from those who have successfully utilized this option.
I believe the frequency response for SACD in the custom mode is 50,000 hz, vs 20,000 hz standard (hearing limit). If I'm wrong on this it will be corrected within minutes by great and misterious powers. The specifications of your remaining componants (from manual, or web site) will quote a frequency response or input frequency (my Kora pre-amp is 10Hz-200Khz and amp is 2-55KHz)
Actually the std setting allows freq upto 50khz to proceed through the player while the custom setting allows frequensies as high as the theoretical limit of SACD : 100khz. Regards, Mike
Not understanding the physics involved, does anyone out there comprehend the theory behind the potential perils lurking within the Sony deck? It seems that often components carry different frequency outputs, among other ratings, yet present no practical danger, other than to one's ears. I run Eidelons with CAT amps. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated.