TERES - trially Good

After experementing with VTA, VTF, overhang, loading (currently using a pair of K&K Audio Lundahl L9206 set to 20 dB feeding through a Wright WPP100C phono pre) my 255 table sounds perfect! I used to have two tables the Teres and a Michell Gyro SE MKII. I sold the Michell a while ago and frankly, I don't miss it a bit. My 255 is clearly better in my ears. The Teres is all I need! Using Benz ACE for now but saving for a Shelter to mate with my OL Silver arm.

I have the TERES 255 with the battery option and upgraded motor. I can't believe that I will be able to afford a table that sound this great. Within the current price range (or even double the price IMO) for this table, it will be very hard to beat it or find a unit that is equal in it's performance stand point. The Teres is amazing! I cannot put it any plainer than that.

Thanks to TWL, Chris Brady, Jay K. (Audio Revelation)and Khaki8 in helping me during the set-up process.

Life is good!!!!
If you are waiting to do the HI FI mod to your Silver Tonearm you are missing out on a lot of music.
I waited so I would be better able to hear the differences.
The difference is not subtle.

You may or may not know that the new Silver arm cannot be moded. Looks like OL saw TWL's mod and made a little mod of their own, negating the ability to apply TWL's HI FI mod.
Tom anything to add here?
Roni, yes, I have compared my mod with the Encounter. It is very close to the Encounter, and probably the main difference is the newer upgraded wiring in the Encounter. I'd say that the HiFi mod brings the Silver about $500 higher in value, in comparison with the OL higher models.

Unfortunately, the new change to the OL Silver makes my mod impossible to install on the new version. It has some small weights to make a stab at doing what my mod does, and it will be somewhat effective at doing that. Now my mod is strictly for the older Silver Mk 1, and the Rega tonearms. It is a very good bang for the buck on both those arms.

We had no choice on the 265 ;) My partner didn't like the looks of the lead-loaded acrylic platter (I love it), so I "had to" show him the wood one. Oops. Deep financial trouble? Yeah, we know all about it!

Just to totally bury ourselves, we're also scarfing up LP's by the dozens. To watch us, you'd think they were going out of style :)
Jimbo3 and TWL,

Chris Brady recommends something called a "blood knot" when using the silk thread drive string. Instructions for tying it are on the Teres website, in the owner's manuals for both the TT's and the motor.
Alright! Welcome to the Teres family and to the 255 model. I too have the Teres 255 Lacquered Rosewood table withe ET2 Linear Tracking Air bearing tonearm and Shelter 901. I have been very vey happy with this purchase, now I just hear music. I will be doing the upgrade for the 1/2 tape drive that's suppose to very nice also.

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