Cambridge D500SE ??

Has anyone hear about this new cd player from Cambridge yet ?? It suppose to have two 24/192 D/A in it ???
My dealer has it. His assistant was telling me about it. Said he didn't have time to give it a listen. Too busy with holiday sales... Said price was unchanged($450) - that would be great if he's correct. He didn't say it was a 24 bit player, but I found out on my own. Him and the owner have always maintained that the D500 is THE sleeper in digital. From what I have heard of other people, it seems true(would love other people's takes on this). So good a player, that he doesn't carry the NAD Silver Series CD player(says it isn't worth it). Next jump up from this(and the Jolida he sells) are the Linn, Naim, Electrocompaniet players.
Yes the D500SE is 24 bit. I think AudioAdvisor has a few of them for $399. I had the original D500 which was 20bit. Everything you read is true in my mind. Is also a HiFi Choice Best Buy and best play under $1000 in A/V Lifestyle (Austrialian) magazine. The only reason I sold it was I had too many CD Players. What I kept was a Rotel RCD-990 which is/was one of the best players under $2000 (or even $3000 when it was released), and a Cambridge CD6. It was a toss up which Cambridge to keep.
PS: If I would of had the SE 24 bit model, I would probably have parted with the CD6.