Why no as many post about music vs equipment......

This web it has been a second university for me in the last 5 years and I am extremely thankful for all of you that always answer my questions as a novice and in general about the hobby!

Call my attention if we all are looking for the music sublime experience why no as many post about music itself?

I am getting curious about two terms audiophile or musicphile, if we spend a great deal of our lives playing with gear trying to achieve unrealistic expectations that only exist in our dreams, taking a huge amount of time that we can dedicate to explore different kind of music around the world.

This days I am trying to educate myself that is all about the music that I am in the hobby no technicalities as a main course.

Don't take my comments personal is just my opinion and in part to start a debate to clear some of my concerns and misunderstoods about two hobbies in one or something else I might haven't found yet.

Thank you again,

Happy weekend.
I find as I've become more satisfied with the equipment I've put together I spend less and less time on the equipment forum discussions. More and more the music discussions are what interest me the most. So, at least for me, once the hardware lives up to a certain threshold of satisfaction it becomes less and less of the focal point. This threshold will vary greatly from person to person but getting there is a good part of the fun and we really just approach it, we're never quite done.
Simply this is predominantly an equipment/gear web site. Yes there must be music but they have plently of music as focus websites to visit. Equipment websites are it seems to me in rather short supply comparitively. just my 2 cents , I like gear and I am not afraid to say so..,BTW i don't play test tracks over and over.
I'm not an audiophile at all but I find Agon interesting. The music forum is sparse but its why im listening to Mozart Piano Concertos 20,21,23,24 & 25 right now. There's not as many people on here who are in constant gear rotation as it might seem.
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Remember also that most music lovers with High end gear are not audiophiles. I used to work in carpentry and have seen some amazing gear in my day and these people just listen to music. If you had to choose between the two hobbies you'll live longer if you choose music.