Mr. Hagerman exposes my lack of understanding of some of the finer points. I've read statements to the effect that "all phono cart's are inherently balanced devices" in audio magazines on a few different occasions, though I'm sorry I can't make specific citations. It's self-evident that a cart would generate a +/- voltage swing instead of +/0; that a cart should 'float' does also seem obvious, but the distinction regarding this vs. a 'balanced' condition is apparently where I (and some audio writers) went astray. (Though why the one will give you common-mode noise rejection and the other not is another can of worms I think I'd best leave unopened for the present...)
Having said that, JH's introduction of the topic of transformers seems tantilizing, since of course step-up trannies are commonly employed to add voltage gain for low-output MC's. Since I've always stuck to medium-output models going straight in, I lack the experience with step-ups, but is it common practice for these to be center-tapped and offer true balanced output? Again, sounds like a no-brainer if you're already using the tranny anyway.
P.S. - We could add Boulder to the list of true balanced phono pre's (but we couldn't afford one ;^)
Having said that, JH's introduction of the topic of transformers seems tantilizing, since of course step-up trannies are commonly employed to add voltage gain for low-output MC's. Since I've always stuck to medium-output models going straight in, I lack the experience with step-ups, but is it common practice for these to be center-tapped and offer true balanced output? Again, sounds like a no-brainer if you're already using the tranny anyway.
P.S. - We could add Boulder to the list of true balanced phono pre's (but we couldn't afford one ;^)