Cardas Neutral Ref Speaker Cable Upgraders

I am currently using Cardas Nuetral Ref speaker cable with Kimber's Select top of the line interconnects. My system sounds fantastic but my addiction has me always wanting more... I am looking for a speaker cable that provides: razor sharp imaging, deep and wide soundstage, dark black background, natural sounding teble and mids, tight bass and no restriction on dynamics. I know this is probably everyones dream but has anyone found something close. Your input is much appreciated!!
Tekunda-Have you yet compared the Jena Labs cables to your self acclaimed HMS? I recall a thread not to long ago where this was addressed-and I haven't heard any results from your agreed shoot out, or if it was even happening. If need be I will post a link to that thread to make others aware, but I'd rather not unless of course you would like me to? I have NO affiliation with any companies and pay full retail like everyone else, I am strictly a consumer. I can get at least a 10 members here who will vouch for the Jena cables-also all consumers- so I am not the only one.
Try auditionning the Siltech Emperor. This may put a stop to your quest. Add a pair of Compass Lake interconnects and you should be pleased... If you are still not satisfied,send the cables to me. I will be happy to receive your donation...

Of course, the spaeker cables and ICs will be more expensive than your whole setup... But that's a different story...

On a serious note, I don't think you will ever find such a perfect cable, you probably still wouldn't be satisfied... You would still perceive the coloration of your electronics...

I approach cables as a tuning or tweaking element more than anything else.

Of course this is my own opinion...

One brand of cable which has really blown me away with its performance to price ration is StageIII Concepts. This stuff is literally hand crafted. every inch, every one! They are a silver conductor utilizing an air dielectric. Check them out at, they work well with all types of gear. No need for the typical silver cable stereotypes with this stuff. Not just for tube gear. It is very detailed yet natural with out any harshness. Check it out.
