Wadia Fiasco?

I read somewhere that there was "Wadia fiasco." Can anyone tell me if something happened to the company?
Technically, Wadia had an investor pull out and it put a major glitch in their continued growth without reorganizing. It was a few months before new financial backing was available and the new owners have retained all of Wadia's best personnel. Their replacements for the 830, 860, and the 27ix are all available as we speak. They were always a company that stayed in the black, so there is no worry about the new organization! Check out the Wadia website for more info.
Technically, Wadia will be offering a software upgrade for the 27ix. They are keeping it in the product line. Their PowerDAC is a separate and even more expensive offering.
FYI, I had a problem with my 6 month old Wadia 850. I knew that Wadia had been purchased by Audio Video Reasearch in Ann Arbor,Mi and they're moving Wadia there. I had faxed, rather than emailed, knowing that they had their hands full with the transition and the upcoming CES. The gentleman from the Wadia Division of Audio Video Research personally called, left his cell phone number, explaining the above and wanted me to know that they would correct the problem within a few weeks when their service center was in full operation in mid February. He thanked me for my support during this time, and assured me that they would be there to take care of any problems that might come up. I wish them all the success in the world, their products are excellent and with their commitment to customer service, they should do well.