Cartridge Recommendation and Other Issues

I really have 2 questions. One practical and the other someweher in between. The first is I'm looking for a recommendation for a replacement for my Sumiko BPS. I've got a Rega P-3 with a Classe 6 pre so I can pretty much use any output level. I've enjoy the BPS, but it probably time for a change. Anyway what do people recommend in the $350-$600 range.
My secong quesion relates to cartridge installation. What;s the minimum that I would have to spend to get an appropriate set of tools to install and align a cartridge. Its not something I've ever done but I realize that its probably time to teach myself. Is it work buying a cheap Grado to practice on? What do people think?
In that range, if you don't mind MM, my ears liked the Clearaudio Aurum Beta S, about $400, and the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood around $650-700

To align the cart get yourself an alignment protractor--you can get them anywhere from about $15 to $50 or more depending on what you want. A stylus force guage doesn't hurt, either.
1. You can get precision alignment protractor and tracking force gauge from along with neccessary bolts washers and other tools to mount cartridge. Please note that you acquire heavy cartridge bolts in case if you need higher cartridge weight;
2. Never used any costly MM catridges but less expencive Grados are terrible and could hum quite loud no matter how you load it or isolate the ground path in your analogue rig nearly in any turntable you can ever imagine.
3. Any cartrige I've used from Goldring line has an outstanding for price performance
4. I'd still suggest staying with MC cartridges since they're in general more quiet, have larger bandwidth and natural midrange. The following are great performers in the price range you've specified that have high output: Dynavector 20XH, Dynavector 10X4, Benz Ace, Benz Glider(if ordered from internet), Goldring Eroica.
Hi Chanifin

With reference to your first question I have owned and highly recommend both the Clearaudio Aurum Beta S and a Grado 'Sonata'. Both these cartridges fall pricewise within your critiria. The sound of both of these cartridges is excellent. Fine inner detail with overall smooth and musical presentation.

The final decision would be one of personal preference.

Hope this helps and all the best.


I like everything Marakanetz said. Great recommendations.

AFAIK, the only rival to the $20 turntablebasics protractor is a $150 Wally, which is the best. Everything else I've seen is a toy by comparison.