My room is NOT the ideal acoustic environment. There are a lot of reflective surfaces and an audible slap echo. At his urging, I am going to broach the idea with my Wife of maybe some subtle acoustic treatments to improve on the room a bit. Don't get me wrong, its not horrific, but it is evident. The system still sounds stunning, but could certainly sound better with some treatments. Since the room is on the bright side, my decision as to synergy and what sounds best in my room are certainly affected by these factors.
Amazing how that factors into your decision making. If you remain in your current room, tubes and/or darker sounding SS should be the ticket. I know Steve Nugent made the comment that Rowland has a darker tinge to it, but given the state of things in digital, that is not necessarily a bad thing. I owned the ASR Emitter I blue exclusive (2006 vintage) for a bit, and I enjoyed the darker, slightly bottom heavy sound.