Some people claim that 2 bit for bit identical wav files will sound different if one was ripped directly to wav and the other ripped to flac and converted to wav. Same if a wav file is converted to flac and back to wav. Makes no sense to me, but some people claim they sound different.If file is already wav, why rip again to wav? When rip wav->flac->wav, depending on the software, possible loss of precision?
To confirm integrity of 2 wav files, do a binary compare. Google binary compare ... free on all platforms.
Ripping is basically wrapping data into another format.
Comparing flac to wav, some people claim the wav sounds better because the flac has to be decompressed and the extra CPU cycles needed to do that produce electrical noise that degrades the quality of converter or DAC conntected to the USB. On my system, the cpu runs at well less than 5% while decoding flac ...Processing a file is not CPU intensive. The most important is timing and logic (software) in processing the different file formats.
Some people claim ...Some people claim they can hear speakers, DACs ... breaking in after 2000+ hours. Depending on my mood, how much wine had for dinner, time of day ... my system sounds different. Is this system breaking in or just product of the environment?