entry level power solutions

I am new to hi-fi, as I just put together a rig [ musical fidelity a300 integrated, mf a3 cdp and dynaudios 1.3mkII]
The stock PC are plugged into cheap wall outlets. What do you suggest, as a best bang for the buck, for improuving the power circuit?
thanks, dorin
The other "standard" recommendations, in addition to the ones Sean made, are to replace your wall plugs with hospital grade units (I didn't find this made much difference in my system, but other people swear by them), and using a line conditioner power strip, such as Monster Power's HTS2000 (I have two of these, and they DO make a difference in my system). The hospital-grade wall plugs can be purchased for around $25-30 each, and the HTS 2000 units can often be bought at discount prices for about $140-150.
Hey Sean, your right!! The Blue Circle BC86 are now only $110. Since you need at least 4 Audioprisms to make a noticeable difference, they cost about the same. I recommend two BC86s and/or 8 Prisms for best performance.

I find the BC86 works better for audio, but the Audioprisms do a great job of sharpening the color and picture of the Television.

It depends on how easily you could have a couple dedicated circuits run to your setup - if it's easy, it would only be a few hundred dollars and would be highly beneficial. -Kirk
Good point Kirk. Sometimes we overlook the most obvious things. I tend to like "gadgets" and the Quiet Lines will benefit any system without directly interfering with power delivery.

Dorin and others that may be interested, while running dedicated lines may sound like a major undertaking, it typically isn't. I would suggest combing the archives here and doing some reading on it. While there are a few "bugs" that you might run into ( grounding, what phase to connect to, etc... ) doing your homework by reading what others have gone through should minimize any potential headache. Sean
Thanks for the tips. What do you think about those 50 bucks or so PCs? My wife had some problems to understand why a speaker cable costs a couple of hundreds, with PCs will be even harder to negotiate...