Digital Audio Cables: Wire or Optical

I am trying to connect my CD/DVD player to my processor. My basic question is: Should I use the RCA digital wire interconnect or an optical cable for the audio? What is truly the difference? What is everyone experiences and/or suggestions?

Hi Lbietz2001,
I had the opposite reaction. I once tried a $200 "highly touted" coax digital cable (only 1m lenght) and felt that the music lost its charm. The experience (diluted) was there but the "notes" were lacking. Instead of "musical notes" I heard dome kind of "noise", "harshness" and other sounds which were not in original signal. My friend brought his mega bucks transport along with his $500 coax digital cable and we sat down for some serious A/B comparisons. Imagine his shock! He was completely blown away by my rig using a cheaper $100 optical cable. Next day he put his coax digital for sale. I will NEVER go back to coax digital again- its a sucker product. Cheers
Upgrade1394, what is comprised of your system, if I may ask? I was curious as to why Toslink sounds better for you as I too find Toslink to sound better. You said you are using a $100.00 version. I originally started with a $50.00 Audioquest and upgraded to a little more expensive one from DH Labs and there was an improvement. I have not researched all the Toslink models, but with the connection being of key importance, you could spend probably upwards of $200-400.00 for some fancy Toslink models,but is there a limit as to how good the cable can sound ? in other words, a point of diminishing return.Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Sherod,
I have the Sony XA7ES and used a AQ toslink. The coax was some fancy Kimber Kable model. Speakers are the ML SL3 powered by (hold steady) Parasound HCA1000A! Owners of SL3- try this combo out but biwire the speakers, I am using Straightwire Rhapsody cables. Unbeleivable performance by the Parasound/SL3 combo - blows away other esoteric amps upto the $2000 range.
My friend used a Classe transport and DAC and some real fancy "silver" coax digital. Rest of setup was mine. Oh- the preamp was the Sony TAP-9000 (NOTE: TAP, not TAE) which by the way is a superb simple 2-3 source analog line only pre-amp. Hope this helps out prospective buyers of toslink cables and current owners of Martin Logan SL3's. Cheers.
Oops- my dac is the Parasound DAC-1500.