Additional upgrade on power cords needed?

I am using a Custom Power Cord Top Gun Power Block Plus for my CD player and pre-amp. I am using these components with their standard power cords. Will there be any benefit to adding the Top Gun HCfi (or Model Eleven for that matter) power cords to my components, or has the Power Block already conditioned the power to the point that it would be without benefit to add possible addtional conditioning with the power cords?

I am using a Model Eleven power cord with my amp connected directly into the wall socket and am happy with the result.
I can't comment on that brand, however, yes, you will get a noticeable improvement with better power cords on your components. Start with the CD and the Power Amp.
I am a big fan of David Blair's Custom Power Cords and use his power conditioning units & power cords exclusively. His products are one of the best bargains in high end audio! Go with either the Mod. 11, or if funds permit, the Top Gun. The correct upgrade sequence should be: 1)CD player 2)Pre-amp 3)Amp. What is the current draw of your amp? The Mod. 11 may be limiting the current flow if you have an amp that's a power hog and may need a Top Gun + or Top Gun HC power cord. YOU ONLY NEED THE STANDARD TOP GUN FOR YOUR CD AND PRE-AMP! Your only half way home using stock power cords. Feel free to email me for more info. Happy Tunes!
Hey,dude; I got 3 TGs and the Power Block.(original,not the 2) Great value.There is still major room for improvments.--I also have 3 cords better than the TGs;and NOT where others say they should go. Got 2 Audio Magic Stealths.--Each of those has a K Cobra from the wall;to them.-- One is just for the monoblocks.Once you get the improvment of the Power Block; there is SO much more.Once you get the front end set;then work the amp/s.
One more idea is to install dedicated AC lines...if you don't have them already...

I agree with both posts above...